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Description: Read Write UHF tag based on a PDA hand-held RFID reader
Platform: | Size: 1863680 | Author: Antoni | Hits:


Description: Texas Instrument UHF Rfid Introduction ppt , 2005.
Platform: | Size: 6288384 | Author: Cheng YM | Hits:

[Software Engineering915MHZ_RFID_DESIGN

Description: 超高频RFID标签的电路设计 超高频RFID标签的电路设计 915MHZ-UHF RFID tag circuit design UHF RFID tag circuit design 915MHZ
Platform: | Size: 332800 | Author: ys | Hits:


Description: 中国EPC标准草案(基本上是EPC C1G2的中文翻译) 射频识别协议- 第1类第2代UHF RFID 860兆赫-960兆赫通讯协议 EPC™ Radio-Frequency Identity Protocols Class-1 Generation-2 UHF RFID Protocol for Communications at 860 MHz – 960 MHz
Platform: | Size: 703488 | Author: ys | Hits:


Description: 超高频无源RFID 标签的一些关键电路的设计-Passive UHF RFID labels some of the key circuit design
Platform: | Size: 500736 | Author: hegs | Hits:

[Other systemsrfrm

Description: UHF RFID Reader Program
Platform: | Size: 2583552 | Author: vietanh | Hits:

[Software EngineeringICCE2008_SKH

Description: Design of a protoype of an FPGA-based RFID reader supporting the ISO/IEC 18000-6C UHF RFID protocol. Designed by Suh et al. used mainly for testing anticollision algorithms
Platform: | Size: 1389568 | Author: phyllis | Hits:


Description: Analysis and simulation of RFID UHF
Platform: | Size: 86016 | Author: vladi | Hits:


Description: UHF RFID Reader code
Platform: | Size: 23552 | Author: 熊为民 | Hits:


Description: A 5.1-uW UHF RFID Tag Chip integrated with Sensors for Wireless Environmental Monitoring
Platform: | Size: 325632 | Author: Boon | Hits:

[Industry researchRFIDReaderdevelopmentbasedonR1000

Description: A Paper on "Design & Development of Low Cost UHF RFID Reader"
Platform: | Size: 2050048 | Author: chandan | Hits:

[Industry researchPID857059

Description: A research Paper on "Concurrent Data Processing from Multi-port Antenna of Passive UHF RFID Reader"
Platform: | Size: 321536 | Author: chandan | Hits:

[Software Engineeringuhfbaseband

Description: 关于RFID超高频的阅读器基带设计相关文档及学位论文等-About RFID UHF reader baseband design-related documents and dissertations, etc.
Platform: | Size: 18911232 | Author: kinki | Hits:


Description: ThingMagic超高频读写器接口控制程序源码-ThingMagic UHF RFID Reader C API Code Sources
Platform: | Size: 406528 | Author: JohnXu | Hits:

[File Formatk180

Platform: | Size: 465920 | Author: rodrigo | Hits:

[Software Engineeringuhfrfid

Description: 本学位论文的工作在超高频射频识别(UHFRFID)系统的理论研究和设计 实践领域进行,包括了长距离无源后向散射UHFRFID阅读器射频前端的研制、脚B(超宽带)RFID系统源脉冲波形的优化设计、UHFRFID阅读器小型化天线的研制和UHFRFID标签天线的优化设计四个方面的研究内容。 -The dissertation work in the UHF radio frequency identification (UHFRFID) system of theoretical research and design practice areas, including long-distance passive backscatter UHFRFID reader RF front-end development, feet B (UWB) RFID system source Pulse waveform optimization design, UHFRFID reader antenna miniaturization of the development and optimization of the tag' s antenna design UHFRFID four aspects of the research content.
Platform: | Size: 7069696 | Author: xqzhang | Hits:


Description: 本文在介绍射频电路设计理论的基础上,对UHF RFID的协议及频谱规范进行深入研究整理,系统的论述了射频前端从方案提出、电路实现到性能测试的整个过程,并创新性地研究了射频前端中的许多关键技术。-This paper describes the theory of RF circuit design basis, and the spectrum UHF RFID of Xie Yi Shen Ru norms of order, the system of paper Le RF front-end made from the program, Dianlushixian Dao performance test the whole process, through the innovative study of the RF front end of many of the key technologies.
Platform: | Size: 6989824 | Author: 朵朵 | Hits:


Description: RFID UHF reader code using MRF49XA Chip
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: Ganesh | Hits:


Description: 本文首先研究了IsO/IECl8000.6标准中A、B两类短程通讯的前向链路与返回 链路的数据编码方式,对(FMO)双相间隔编码、(PIE)脉冲间隔编码、曼切斯特码 的编解码方式和技术参数进行了深入的分析,并利用FPGA实验平台对这三种编 码的编、解码电路进行了设计和仿真。然后对UHF RFID系统的差错控制技术原理 进行了探讨,重点研究了ISo/IECl8000.6标准中采用的数据保护与校验技术,即 循环冗余校验(CRC)技术。分析了基于线性反馈移位寄存器(LFSR)实现CRC的电 路,从理论和实现两个方面对其中存在的问题提出了解决办法,设计了一种改进 型线性反馈移位寄存器电路来实现循环冗余校验。对于要求CRC运算速度高的系 统,本文利用了递归的算法设计了一种新型的并行CRC电路。最后本文提出了一 种新颖的UHF RFID系统数字基带电路,区别于一般数字基带电路的地方是:在编 解码模块和CRC模块之间加入了卷积编码和维特比译码模块。利用卷积码优良的 纠错能力,来解决UHF RFID系统在电磁干扰严重的环境中识别率低、通信速度慢 的问题,效果良好。-The first,this paper investigates the f.0rward link and retum link data encodlng method in short range communication types A and B in ISO/IEC 1 8000-6,and deeply analyzes encoding method and technical parameters of Bi—Phase Space(FMO)coding, Pulse IntervaI Encoding(PIE)coding and Manchester coding.We also designed and simulated code circuits and decode circuits of the three encoding method by FPGA experiment platfoml. The second, We discussed the technical principle of error control of the UHF RFID system,especially for the techn0109y of data Verification 肌d calibration,namely cyclic redundancy check that used in IS0/IEC 1 8000·6·The circuits of CRC based on Linear Feedback Shin Register(LSFR)are analyzed行om theonr and realization,and some means of solVing problems are put fon)Irard,then an improved LSFR circuit to implement CRC is designed.For some require fast CRC calculation system,we designed a noVel parallel CRC circuit by using recurslVe fomlula.In the end,we put forw
Platform: | Size: 4366336 | Author: HY jian | Hits:


Description: RFID UHF频段开发资料 适用于PC机上 用visual studio IDE开发(The RFID UHF band development data is suitable for the development of visual studio IDE on the PC machine.)
Platform: | Size: 95232 | Author: yolo1886 | Hits:
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